Garcia-Pineda, O., Hu, C., Sun, S., Garcia, D., Cho, J., Graettinger, G., DiPinto, L., Ramirez, E. (2019) CLASSIFICATION OF OIL SPILL THICKNESSES USING MULTISPECTRAL UAS AND SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING FOR OIL SPILL RESPONSE. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society.
Garcia-Pineda, O., Staples, G., Jones, C., Hu, C., Holt, B., Kourafalou, V., Graettinger, G., DiPinto, L., Ramirez, E., Street, D., Swayze, G., Sun, S., Haces-Garcia, F., Garcia, D. (2019). CLASSIFICATION OF OIL SPILL BY THICKNESSES USING MULTIPLE REMOTE SENSORS. Remote Sensing of Environment.
Garcia-Pineda, O., Androulidakis, Y., Le, M., Kourafalou, V., Hole, L., Kang, H., Staples, G., DiPinto, L., Ramirez, E. (2019) MEASURING OIL RESIDENCE TIME WITH GPS-DRIFTERS, SATELLITES, AND UNMMANED AERIAL SYSTEMS (UAS). Marine Pollution Bulletin
Garcia-Pineda, O.; Holmes, J.; Rissing, M.; Jones, R.; Wobus, C.; Svejkovsky, J.; Hess, M. Detection of Oil near Shorelines during the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). Remote Sens.2017, 9, 567.
Garcia-Pineda, O., I. MacDonald, and W.Shedd.(2013) Analysis of oil volume fluxes of hydrocarbon seep formations on the Green Canyon and Mississippi Canyon: a study using 3-d seismic attributes in combination with satellite and acoustic data. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering-Formation, Volume 16, Number 3.
Garcia-Pineda O, MacDonald Ian, Zimmer Beate, Shedd Bill, Roberts Harry. 2010. Remote Sensing Evaluation of Geophysical Anomaly Sites in The Outer Continental Slope, Northern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Deep Sea Research: Studies in Oceanography. Vol 19, No2. DOI:10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.05.05.
Garcia-Pineda, O. Ian MacDonald, Mauricio Silva, William Shedd, Bonny Schumaker. (2015) Transience and persistence of natural hydrocarbon seepage in Mississippi Canyon, Gulf of Mexico. Deep Sea Research II. Volume 119. Issue 8.
Daneshgar Asl, S. Garcia-Pineda, O., et al., Chronic, Anthropogenic Hydrocarbon Discharges in the Gulf of Mexico. Deep-Sea Res. II (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2014.12.006
Garcia-Pineda, O., I. MacDonald, C. Hu, J. Svejkovsky, M. Hess, D. Dukhovskoy, and S.L. Morey. 2013. Detection of floating oil anomalies from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill with synthetic aperture radar. Oceanography 26(2):124–137
Garcia-Pineda, O. Ian MacDonald, Rebecca Green. 2013. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing IGARSS. Detection Of Thick Patches Of Floating Oil Emulsions Using X, C, And L-Band Sar During Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill. Sar Image Analysis Ii.
David Mera, José M. Cotos, José Varela-Pet, Garcia-Pineda, O. 2012. Adaptive thresholding algorithm based on SAR images and wind data to segment oil spills along the northwest coast of the Iberian Peninsula. Marine Pollution Bulletin. Volume 64, Issue 10, October 2012, Pages 2090–2096
Garcia-Pineda, O; Zimmer, Beate; Howard, Matt; Pichel, William; Li, Xiaofeng; MacDonald, Ian; 2010. Using SAR Image to Delineate Ocean Oil Slicks with a Texture Classifying Neural Network Algorithm (TCNNA). Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol 35, No.5 pp.411-421
Garcia-Pineda, O. ; MacDonald, I.R. ;Li, X. ; Jackson, C.R. Pichel, W.G. 2013. Oil Spill Mapping and Measurement in the Gulf of Mexico With Textural Classifier Neural Network Algorithm (TCNNA). IEEE Journal Of Selected Topics In Applied Earth Observations And Remote Sensing. Volume 6. Issue 6.